Thursday, July 30, 2015

Housing - Rorus

Fill this out and Return to Nikki Thalassa ( Nickel Snook)

RP Name:
SL Name:
Job within Caste:
Other Tenants Name:
Job within Caste:
Slaves Names:
Anyone who will be setting Prims down for you:

Houses wanted: ( Choose from Large House - 200 Prims L$ 600/week. Smaller houses 100 Prims L$ 300) 
House Rented : Number and Path Name (see sign)

Beasts or Animals - Rorus

9.1) All large beasts must be contained to a leash, entrusted by their owner, or the person left in charge their care

·         Penalty if found guilty of crime - First offense: The owner of the beast shall be held at the discretion of the magistrate and the beast be killed. Additional offenses: Public whipping up to ten lashes.

9.2) If the beast maims or injures a free person, The owner of the beast shall be liable in civil court, if the injured chooses to proceed with legal action.

9.3) A beasts destruction of public property shall result in a fine totaling the restoration costs of the damages items, as well as public whipping up to ten lashes.

9.4) Any beast not on a collar and with there owner or person of care shall be slaughtered on sight, the village shall pay no compensation for damages to the owner in such cases.

Slaves - Rorus

8.1) Slaves are considered property, no different than a domestic animal. Hence, they may be purchased, sold, punished or killed by their Owner.

8.2) Slaves shall be the sole responsibility of the holder of their slave papers.

8.3) Any slave that commits a crime that results in damages against the village shall be punished and repayment for damages shall be sought against the owner of the property.

8.4) Any citizen who has property damaged by another slave may seek damages in court.

8.5) Disobedient slaves can be punished by any Citizen of Rorus. However, causing permanent damage or death shall make the owner legally entitled to a trial to determine compensation.

8.6) Any slave abandoned without notice for a period of fourteen days or more shall be considered abandoned in the eyes of the law. A new owner may seek a magistrate to have an affidavit in lieu of bill of sale drawn up to claim ownership in unclaimed property. Slaves that go unclaimed after bringing to the attention of the courts that they are abandoned and without a free person to lay claim shall be remanded to the kennels.

Assassin - Rorus

7.1) Citizens of the village are hereby advised that informing to a known assassin, one wearing the black of an assassin, that leads to the death of a citizen shall be considered an informant and be liable for aiding in the murder of a citizen of Rorus. Trial shall be set and conducted.

·         Penalty if found guilty of crime - The maximum punishment shall be enslavement.

She-urts - Rorus

6.1) She-urts entering the village are still required to comply with all laws of the village of Rorus while contained within the walls of the village.

6.2) She-urts are hereby reminded of the decency law of the village or Rorus, if found to be wearing less than a kajira she will be brought to trial.

·         Penalty if found guilty of crime - First offense: Reminder of the decency laws of the village of Rorus. Second offense: Will be bound and brought to the city kennels for enslavement.

6.3) She-urts begging that interferes with the business of the free tax payers of the village shall be able to be told to move along failure to comply will result in trial.

·         Penalty if found guilty of crime - First offense: Told to move along by the scarlet caste or a magistrate, after the store owner has informed you of your disturbance. Continued disturbances shall be considered a disturbance of the peace. And shall be dealt with as such.

Free Companionship - Rorus

5.2) Free companionship shall require a three week courting prior to being able to apply for a companionship contract.

·         A fee of fifty coppers is required to obtain a free companionship contract.

Free companionships may be petitioned by the court to be dissolved.

·         Penalty if found guilty of crime - Punishment for such shall include the male having to wear a dress for a hand, and the woman being reduced to slavery for the remainder of the contract.

Contracts - Rorus

5.1) All contracts must be filled completely then signed and require a personal seal before being reviewed and sealed by a scribe to be considered binding.
Any contract that is improperly handled and not filled out completely shall be brought before a magistrate.

·         Penalty if found guilty of crime - Shall be at the discretion of the magistrate.

Debts - Rorus

4.1) Citizens who owe a debt to another may be brought before a magistrate in order to seek restitution.
If restitution is granted by the magistrate the citizen shall have to make payment to satisfy their obligations.

·         Penalty if found guilty of crime - MAN: Any man that owes a debt that is unable to make payment shall have his possessions sold, until the debt is satisfied. If he holds no possessions his daughters may be sold into slavery to cover the gap in his obligation. If he is without possessions or family to sell he shall be enslaved and put to hard labor the proceeds of the sale shall be given to the party seeking restitution. WOMAN: Any woman that holds a debt that is unable to make payment shall have her possessions sold, until the debt is satisfied. Any woman who is companioned the courts may compel the companion to make payment to cover the cap in obligations. If she is without possessions or a companion she shall be enslaved, and sold to the kennel the proceeds of the sale shall be given to the party seeking restitution.

Free Woman in Private Residence - Rorus

3.7) No free woman shall be alone in a private residence with a male who's not companion, protector or family member

·         Penalty if found guilty of crime - First offense: She shall be submitted to a punishment of but not limited to public switching, menial labor and or time in the stockades. Second offense: She shall be delivered to the village kennels and permanently enslaved

Citizens Behavior - Rorus

3.6) Citizens are hereby reminded to seek a magistrate or warrior if they commit unbecoming acts, they can be arrested and placed on trial.

Face Stripping - Rorus

3.5) Face stripping a Free Woman through force is a serious crime.

·         Penalty if found guilty of crime - The guilty shall be placed in a punishment collar and belted to serve for a length of time of five days within the city as a slave.

Collar Erases the Past - Rorus

3.4) The collar erases the past, all warrants, contracts and obligations thus considered nullified.

Submission of Own Choice - Rorus

3.3) A woman may submit to any free of her choice. At which point, any and all claim to freedom and Caste are dissolved.

Slave Behavior - Rorus

3.2) Any woman found to be presenting slave like behavior shall sent to trial.
Behavior considered slave like shall include the following but not limited to; Sensual dancing in public, Eating from a mans hand, Couching a slave that she herself does not own.

·         Penalty if found guilty of crime - First offense: She shall be submitted to a punishment of but not limited to public switching, menial labor and or time in the stockades. Second offense: She shall be delivered to the village kennels and permanently enslaved

Free Women of the Village & Decency - Rorus

3.1) Decency law
Free women shall keep themselves covered to a minimum of the elbow As well as wearing no dress that does not cover her to three quarters of her calf.

·         Penalty if found guilty of crime - First offense: Any woman failing to comply to dress to the decency of our villages tradition shall be put to work for a hour. After being dressed to comply with the law. Second offense: She shall be submitted to a punishment of but not limited to public switching, menial labor and or time in the stockades. Third offense: Permanent enslavement and sold to the kennels.

Caste Laws - Rorus

~~Laws regarding caste~~

Article 2

2.1)Refusal to practice caste can result in expulsion from caste. If expelled from caste the party must apply for a new caste with in fourteen days, after such the party shall be considered an outlaw.

2.2) Any person found to be practicing caste without the approval of such shall be placed on trial for impersonating caste.

·         Penalty if found guilty of crime - The guilty shall be put to work for the village for a time period up to three days. Terms of the punishment are at the discretion of the magistrate.

2.3) Any person seeking to change caste must petition the high council for such change. The scroll for such can be obtained from the office of the scribes. Failure to petition the council shall result in trail for impersonating caste.

·          Penalty if found guilty of crime - The guilty shall be put to work for the village for a time period up to five days. Terms of the punishment are at the discretion of the magistrate.

Gate - Rorus

1.9) Admittance into the village of Rorus is a privilege and not a right, At the gate visitors will be asked to remove helmets, hoods or masks to identify them, in case a legal matter arises. Failure to do so will result in not being granted entrance to the village. ~By order of the council.

Kanda - Rorus

1.8) It is illegal to sell, use, or have in your possession any and all forms of Kanda, be it leaves, Root, extract .. etc.

·         Penalty if found guilty of using - First offense: a fine of coin up to 1/4 of total assets. Second offense: a fine of coin of up to 1/2 total assets and a brand behind the ear. Third offense: a fine of coin up to 1/2 total assets and prison time, decided by the courts upon trial

·         Penalty if found selling or in possession of - First offense: a fine of 1/4 total assets and time in a cell up to 2 days. Second offense: a fine of 1/2 total assets and time in a cell , up to 5 days and public bastinado. Third offense: any punishment the court sees fit , up to and including death.

Theft - Rorus

1.7) In matters concerning theft, trial shall be held to verify the crime.

·         Penalty if found guilty of crime - First offense: Ear notching. Second offense: Males Removal of a hand. Females shall carry permanent enslavement or death.

Disturbing the Peace - Rorus

1.6) Disturbing the peace. Citizens are reminded that matters inside the village should not come to offend in a legal sense other citizens of the village.

·         Penalty if found guilty of crime - Shall be at the discretion of the magistrate.

Free Woman of Enemy - Rorus

1.5) A Free Woman of an enemy of Rorus may be captured and enslaved without trial.

Slavery - Rorus

1.4) Any person, male or female, is subject to the potential of enslavement.

Outlaws - Rorus

1.3) Outlaws shall be given trial to verify status as an outlaw.

·         Penalty if found guilty of crime - If found to be an outlaw the punishment shall be impalement.

Home Stone - Rorus

1.2) Those suspected of conspiring against the Home Stone shall tried for treason.

·         Penalty if found guilty of crime - If found guilty, any punishment the court sees fit up to and including death or banishment.

Citizenship - Rorus

1.1) Citizenship is a privilege, not a right. Hence, those who are granted citizenship must continue to demonstrate their value in order to receive the rights granted to them through citizenship. If it is deemed you are acting out of standards of the village, you face the privilege of trial and possible revocation of citizenship.

Land - World

2. To make a claim as to unowned land outside of a city, you must place a yellow stake of claimancy into the ground during the morning. You must then wait by that stake and protect that land until sunset. At that time then, the land becomes yours and you may lay your Home Stone there.
60. Forest fires are considered to be terrible disasters and the penalty for anyone who starts such a fire is to be burnt alive.

Home Stone - World

3. The theft of a Home Stone may be one of the most heinous crimes that exists on Gor. This should not be surprising considering the Gorean beliefs concerning the importance of the Home Stone. Theft of such is commonly punished by extreme torture followed by death in boiling oil. Despite this, the theft of a enemy's Home Stone is also considered the greatest of glories, showing that the thief is favored by the Priest-Kings.
4. A person might be slain for not standing when speaking of his own Home Stone. It is unknown whether this is by law, Caste Code or simply custom. There is no description of the circumstances when this may be applicable either.
86. Earth girls do not have a Home Stone so there are no legalities that prevent their capture and enslavement.

High Council - World

5. Only members of the High Castes may be elected to the High Council of a city. Each of the five High Castes votes for their own representatives on the High Council.
6. Only members of the High Castes may vote to elect a city's Administrator or to appoint a Ubar. Low Castes do not possess any voting rights.
7. There is a question as to whether free women may be members of the High Council and whether free women of the High Castes are permitted to vote. This is likely an issue decided on a city by city basis. There is some confusion because of a statement that seems to imply women are not permitted to vote. "Whereas it is only the men of high caste who elect members to the Council of the City,?" (Assassin of Gor, p.16) It is unclear whether "men" in this context refers solely to the male gender or whether it is used in a more generic sense to indicate all within the High Castes. But, as women are permitted to occupy the highest political position in a city, that of ruler, then it makes little sense why they couldn't occupy a lesser political position, such as being on a High Council or why they could not vote.

Maps - World

8. It is illegal to take a map of a city out of that city. It is also illegal for a non-citizen to make their own map of a city. As many city streets do not possess set names, it can be difficult for visitors to find their way around in a city. This can be an added defense mechanism, preventing invading armies from easily moving through a city toward intended targets.

Ahn - World

9. In the high cities of Gor, the length of each Ahn during a day are all of the same duration. In other cities, they divide a day into ten Ahn during the daytime and ten at nighttime. Thus, the length of each Ahn will vary by season though the day is the same length. Thus in summer, daytime Ahn are longer than nighttime Ahn.

Citizenship - World

10. Citizenship is a privilege, not a right, and thus you must actively apply for it as well as continue to earn it throughout your life. "Citizenship, or its retention, on other than a nominal basis, in some cities, is contingent on such things as attending public ceremonies, such as an official semi-annual taking of auspices, and participating in numerous public assemblies, some of which are called on short notice." (Dancer of Gor, p.302-303)
11. "Citizenship in most Gorean communities is not something accrued in virtue of the accident of birth but earned in virtue of intent and application." (Slave Girl of Gor, p.394) Upon reaching your intellectual majority, you must perform the citizenship ceremony. The specifics of the ceremony will vary from city to city. In some cities, there may be a requirement that other citizens, non-blood relations, must vouch for you. In other places, you might be questioned by a committee of citizens to determine your worthiness for citizenship. The oath of allegiance may involve the touching or kissing of the Home Stone, the swearing of oaths, and maybe even the sharing of bread, fire and salt. A laurel wreath and mantle of citizenship may then be conferred upon the new citizen.
12. The nonperformance of the citizenship ceremony, within one year of reaching your intellectual majority, is punishable by expulsion from the city. This applies only to those individuals born within the city or born to citizens of the city. "The rationale seems to be that the community has a right to expect allegiance from its members." (Vagabonds of Gor, p.303)
13. Though reference is made to the age of intellectual majority, no specific age is ever provided. From circumstantial evidence in the books, the highest probability seems to be that it is fifteen years old.
14. You can renounce your existing citizenship and acquire citizenship in another city. Obviously, you must be accepted by this other city as a citizen, meeting all prerequisites that are in place.
15. One of the benefits of citizenship is that it provides some protection against foreign creditors. It is unknown whether this area is covered by Merchant Law or not.

Disownment - World

16. The oath of disownment is a part of the Warrior Caste Codes as well as the rites of a city. In this irreversible ceremony, a family member is disowned. That family member loses all connection to their family, as well as losing their Caste. It appears that this oath is taken according to the Warrior Caste Codes by swearing upon the hilt of your sword. It is unknown how it is done according to city rites. The Ubar of a city took the oath on the medallion of his city. A common citizen would obviously need to use something else for such an oath.

Adoption - World

59. Adoption is legally practiced on Gor.

Outlaw - World

18. "A man who refused to practice his livelihood or strove to alter status without the consent of the Council of High Castes was, by definition, an outlaw and subject to impalement." (Tarnsman of Gor, p.46) Outlaws lose all connection to their Home Stone and Caste, a terrible fate for a Gorean. They must live in the wilderness, struggling to survive. Few Goreans envy the fate of an outlaw.

Castes and Subcastes - World

19. Each city determines which Castes and subcastes will be legally recognized. They will also determine which Caste will be recognized as High Castes. For example, there may be cities where the Merchants Caste, normally a Low Caste, is legally recognized as a High Caste.
20. There is a crime of "attempting to deceive with respect to caste." This encompasses such actions as engaging in business under false pretenses and claiming explicitly to be of a caste other than your own. Such deceptions most often occur when people pretend to be Physicians. This crime does not apply to all actions that are part of a Caste's primary focus. For example, anyone, and not just a member of the Slaver's Caste, can legally sell a slave. But, that same person cannot claim to be a member of the Slaver's Caste if he is not.
21. It is legally permissible to change one's Caste though most Goreans would not willingly change their Caste, being proud of their Caste no matter how low it might be. In a Free Companionship, the woman can take the Caste of the man though the man cannot do the same. Otherwise to change caste, the High Council of the city must approve the change, based on your qualifications for the new caste and the willingness of the new caste to accept you.

53. Any person apprehended wearing or possessing a tunic that is lined with a different color, which could be turned inside out to alter one's identity, is subject to possible impalement.

Physicians - World

22. Women in the Physician's Caste cannot engage in the full practice of medicine until they have first bore two children. In many cities, at age fifteen, women of the Physician's Caste will place two bracelets on their left wrist. One is then removed for each child that she bears. When both bracelets are removed, she can then engage in the full practice of medicine.
23. It is a capital offense for a locksmith, usually a member of the Metal Workers, to make an unauthorized copy of a key.
54. Dar-Kosis is a dreaded and highly contagious disease without a cure. Dar/Kosis is considered to be a holy and it is considered heresy to shed their blood though they can be stoned. It is also considered heresy to try to seek a cure for this disease. It is unknown if this has been enacted as a law in any Gorean city.
55. "Those who contract the disease are regarded by law as dead." (Assassin of Gor, p.266) Thus, a person who contracts Dar-Kosis will lose all of their possessions, which shall then pass either by will or by the intestate laws.
62. It is the right of all people, free and slave, to receive the Stabilization Serums, the Gorean life extension treatment. This may be one of the only rights that a slave possesses. It is unknown whether a slave owner could deny the Serums to his own slave, though there would seem to be little reason for such a denial.

Free Companionship - World

24. A Free Companionship, the Gorean form of marriage, lasts for a single year. If it is not renewed by the twentieth Ahn of the anniversary date, it will automatically dissolve.
25. A Free Companionship will dissolve earlier than one year if one of the parties is either enslaved or dies. The books do not state if the contract can be legally dissolved prior to the year end if the parties so agree. It seems likely most Goreans would simply wait out the year.
26. A woman does not change her name in a Free Companionship.
27. The "gens" name is the clan name (derived from an ancient Roman term). The gens can only pass through the male line. Females can keep their gens in a Free Companionship, if it is part of their contract, but they can never pass on the gens.
28. A person may have only one Free Companion at a time. In the equatorial jungles, men may possess multiple companions. For example, Bila Huruma possessed over two hundred companions.
29. Port Kar does not recognize the institution of Free Companionship. Free women in that city are simply known as the women of their men.

Assassins - World

33. Assassins, when bearing the mark of the black dagger on their forehead, are permitted entrance into a city without interference.

Diplomatic Immunity - World

34. Members of the Castes of Players, Poets, Musicians and Singers may freely enter any city.
35. Heralds, bearing a gold slash on the left temple of their helmet or headgear, are immune from interference by any within a city. This is a form of diplomatic immunity.
36. Ambassadors possess the same diplomatic immunity as heralds.
70. No Player, Musician, Poet or Singer Caste member may be enslaved within a city's limits. This does not mean they are immune from prosecution from violating city law. They can still be arrested, imprisoned, tortured and executed. They are simply immune from enslavement. "There is a saying to the effect that he who makes music must, like the tarn and the Vosk gull, be free." (Kajira of Gor, p.298)

Free Women - World

44. Robes of concealment and veils may or may not be required by law for free women. In some cities, such as Ar and Ar's Station, it is only custom while in others it is actual law. In some cities, an unveiled free woman is susceptible to being taken into custody by guardsmen, then to be veiled, by force if necessary. Repeated offenses can even lead to enslavement. Even where it is only custom, it is strongly recommended that all free women wear robes and veils in public.
45. In cities where robes and veils for free women are not legally mandatory, there are other pertinent laws restricting how much bare skin a free woman may show. If too much skin is shown, then the woman is subject to possible enslavement. "If you would be stripped as a slave, then be a slave, it is said." (Dancer of Gor, p.157)
46. Face stripping a free woman, forcefully removing her veils against her will, is a serious crime.
47. In some cities, it is a crime to bring pleasure silk in contact with the flesh of a free woman. It is considered to be too exciting and sensuous.
48. Free women are rarely, if ever, permitted to play Kaissa. It also does not appear that women may belong to the Caste of Players.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Merchandise - World

37. Patents, which cover inventions, and copyrights, which cover written materials, are available in a city but their power extends only as far as the city wall. Merchant Law has been unsuccessful in introducing such on a more global scale. Thus, many craftsmen and manufacturers keep their formulas and plans in cipher to protect them from theft and unauthorized copying.
38. Forgery of an official city seal on mercantile products is illegal. This is to help protect the integrity of official city products.
39. Each city commonly holds a Merchant's Foot and Stone and these are available for the city's Merchants to verify their own personal measuring devices. Any Merchant found to be using a deceptive Foot or Stone will be punished.
40. For legal and commercial purposes, certain letters have been standardized. These would include those representing weights and measures, as well as the "kef."
41. Instruments of debt can be transferred, usually for some discounted amount, and the transferee can then attempt to collect on the face value of the instruments. Bounty creditors often avail themselves of this opportunity.
42. Shaving, clipping, cutting or slicing off metal from any coin is considered to be theft and fraud. This debases the value of the coin.
43. Crests, signs and family emblems can be registered and their use will be legally restricted.


Initiate - World

49. Weapons are prohibited from being carried into an Initiate's temple.
50. Non-Initiates may not enter the sanctuary area of an Initiate's temple unless they have received the chrism of temporary permission. This is considered to be an inferior anointing and of temporary efficacy.

Fair at Sardar Mountains - World

17. Every citizen must journey, at least once, to the Sardar Mountains before they are twenty-five years old. The Initiate Caste monitors who goes and who does not. The Initiates also teach that misfortunes will strike a city if their youth try to avoid this sacred obligation. Sometimes the Initiate Caste will ask a person to make the journey at a specific time. In some cities and islands, such as Teletus, your family will receive a gold tarn disk if you make the journey when the Initiates request it.

Thief - World

56. Thievery is illegal and harshly punished. In most cities, a first offense is punished by an ear notching. Penalties for subsequent offenses will vary by city and gender. In most cities, a free women found guilty of a second offense is enslaved. If a free man is found guilty of a second offense, he often will lose one of his hands. For a third offense, a man might lose his other hand, or in some jurisdictions, his other hand and both feet.
57. There is a Caste of Thieves in Port Kar, the only one of its type on Gor. Thievery is still illegal in Port Kar, though the penalties are different. It is legal to slay a male thief, or enslave a female thief, if the thief is caught within one Ahn of the theft. Once an Ahn has passed though, then the thief must be handed over to the Arsenal police for a hearing or trial. If then found guilty, a male thief will be sentenced to hard labor in the Arsenal or on the wharves for a period ranging from one week to one year. A female thief would be sentenced to serve in a penal brothel for a period ranging from one week to one year.
61. It is illegal to smuggle the beans used to make black wine out of the territory of Thentis. These beans are only grown within the territory of Thentis.

Rite of Knives - World

58. There is a method of dispute resolution called the "rite of knives." Unfortunately, there is little information on its application. It is essentially a fight to the death and is used in place of a trial. The fight may be just with daggers. As it is called a rite, it may not have any true legal effect but may instead be an ancient custom. This might even be a part of the Warrior Code. We do know though that a freed Panther Girl asked to participate in this rite against another woman. Tarl Cabot granted her request. Thus, this rite apparently may include female participation.

Slavery - World

89. "The collar, by Gorean law, cancelled the past." When a person is enslaved, they begin a new life as a slave and may not be held accountable for any crimes that occurred while they were free.

63. By law, the Slaver's Caste is a subcaste of the Merchant's Caste. The Slaver Caste though often prefers to consider themselves a separate Caste. It is unknown whether this determination is part of Merchant Law or not.
64. Any person, male or female, is subject to potential enslavement. Though women are more likely to be enslaved, men can still be enslaved through capture or legal process. Women are about ten times more likely to be enslaved than men.
65. There are two basic legal statuses on Gor: free and slave. Unless you are legally owned, then you are considered technically free, even if you are a prisoner, captive or outlaw. As a free person, you possess legal rights that slaves do not possess.
66. According to Merchant Law, a person is considered to be a prisoner and not a slave, as long as they have not been branded, collared or performed a gesture of submission.
67. Legally, slaves are considered property, on the same level as domestic animals. Their owner may do anything they wish to them without repercussion. An owner can even mutilate or kill his own slave with impunity. Their power over their own slave is absolute.
68. Slaves may not own anything. Even though they may use goods, they do not own them. Such items remain the property of the slave's owner. No matter what gifts a slave may receive, they cannot own such gifts. Those gifts too would belong to the slave's owner.
69. A slave does not even own their own name. Their owner can change their name at will, and as often as they desire. "Indeed, from the Gorean's point of view, one of the most fearful things about slavery is that one loses one's name. That name which he has had from birth, by which he has called himself and knows himself, that name which is so much a part of his own conception of himself, of his own true and most intimate identity, is suddenly gone." (Outlaw of Gor, p.197)

Birth - World

91. A child, born of a slave, becomes a slave and belongs to the mother's owner. The key to this law is the status of the mother at the time of birth, not conception.
92. By the law of Tharna, a person conceived by a free person on another free person is a free person, even if later carried and borne by a slave. Thus, slaves would often be temporarily freed for the purpose of conception and then reenslaved afterwards.

Captured Slave - World

86. Earth girls do not have a Home Stone so there are no legalities that prevent their capture and enslavement.
72. A slave must fully serve anyone who possesses her, even a thief or captor. If the slave attempts to run away from her thief or captor, she will be deemed to be a runaway. Free women are permitted to escape from a captor as long as they have not yet been enslaved. The point of this law is to maintain slaves in a state of bondage while also encouraging men to be bold. "The average man of this world would no more think of stealing a slave within his own city, or a host city, one which has extended the courtesy of its walls, than he would of any other act of illicit and dishonorable brigandage." (Witness of Gor, p.497)
73. If a lost, stolen or runaway slave is taken by another person, the original owner has only one week to regain his property before legal title passes to the new owner. The slave remains the property of the original owner only for that one week if he does not regain possession. This likely refers to a Gorean week, which is only five days long.
74. A person who is found to possess a stolen slave might not be convicted or any crime if they are truly ignorant of fact that the slave was stolen.

Enslavement of a Free Woman - World

83. There is no law that states a man may enslave a free woman of his Home Stone because she has insulted or disrespected him.

85. It is illegal for a person on their own to collar a free woman for "conduct indicating suitability for the collar." Free women who may have violated this legal principle must be brought before a magistrate or judge for a legal determination as to whether there has been a violation sufficient to warrant a reduction to slavery.

71. The institution of the capture of women is honored by most cities, provided the women captured belong to an enemy. The subject of "capture rights" pertains to all forms of property, including slaves. Active possession is regarded as crucial by the law. Thus, theft and capture will confer certain rights over the property.
75. If a captured free woman submits to her captor, she will become his slave. "It had been within the context of his capture rights that she had, as a free woman, of her own free will, pronounced upon herself a formula of enslavement. Automatically then, in virtue of the context, she became his. The law is clear on this. The matter is more subtle when the woman is not within a context of capture rights." (Players of Gor, p.21)
76. A free woman who submits to a particular man, when there is no capture involved, may or may not become a slave. This will be dependent upon city law. "The matter is more subtle when the woman is not within a context of capture rights. Here the matter differs from city to city. In some cities, a woman may not, with legal recognition, submit herself to a specific man as a slave, for in those cities that is interpreted as placing at least a temporary qualification on the condition of slavery which condition, once entered into, all cities agree, is absolute. In such cities, then, the woman makes herself a slave, unconditionally. It is then up to the man in question whether or not he will accept her as his slave. In this matter he will do as he pleases. In any event, she is by then a slave, and only that." (Players of Gor, p.21)
77. "In other cities, and in most cities, on the other hand, a free woman, may, with legal tolerance, submit herself as a slave to a specific man. If he refuses her, she is then still free. If he accepts her, she is then, categorically, a slave, and he may do with her as he pleases, even selling her or giving her away, or slaying her, if he wishes." (Players of Gor, p.21)
78. In some cities, a free woman who kneels before a man or addresses him as Master effects legal imbondment on herself. Such actions are considered to be gestures of submission.
79. A free woman can sell herself into slavery. But, once the sale is complete, the woman cannot then revoke it.
80. "Any free woman who couches with another's slave, or readies herself to couch with another's slave, becomes herself a slave, and the slave of the slave's master." (Magicians of Gor, p.7) This is known as the "couching law" and exists in Ar, though it may have been adopted by other cities as well. There are clearly though some cities, like Vonda, that do not have such a law because reference is made to free women freely lending their male slaves to a female guest. The couching law does not prevent a woman from having sex with a slave she owns. It is important to note that a violation can occur even though actual sex never occurs. Simply preparing to have sex is sufficient. "By such an act, the couching with, or readying herself to couch with, a slave, as though she might be a girl of the slave's master, thrown to the slave, she shows herself as no more than a slave, and in this act, in law, becomes a slave." (Magicians of Gor, p.303); . Special seduction slaves are used by some slave owners to trap free women. Milo, from Magicians of Gor, is a prime example of a seduction slave. His owner, Appanius, used Milo to entrap numerous free women. Tarl Cabot would also use Milo to entrap Talena and enslave her.
84. Free women may be legally enslaved if they engage in "conduct indicating suitability for the collar." "The principle he had alluded to pertains to conduct in a free woman which is taken as sufficient to warrant her reduction to slavery. The most common application of this principle occurs in areas such as fraud and theft. Other applications may occur, for example, in cases of indigency and vagrancy. Prostitution, rare on Gor because of female slaves, is another case. The women are taken, enslaved, cleaned up and controlled. Indulgence in sensuous dance is another case. Sensuous dance is almost always performed by slaves on Gor. A free woman who performs such dancing publicly is almost begging for the collar. In some cities the sentence of bondage is mandatory for such a woman." (Renegades of Gor, p.372). Other actions can qualify as well. "In many cities, such actions, attempting to spy on masters and slaves, disguising oneself as a slave, garbing oneself as a slave, even in the supposed secrey of one's own compartments, lingering about slave shelves and markets, even exhibiting an interest in, or fascination with, bondage, can result in a reduction to bondage. The theory is apparently that such actions and interests are those of a slave, and that the female who exhibits them should, accordingly, be imbonded." (Magicians of Gor, p.50) Even wearing slave beads could be a reason for enslavement. This principle only deals with actions and not thoughts. "Conduct indicating suitability for the collar, of course, can be interpreted in various ways, and more broadly and narrowly. It is almost always understood, of course, fortunately for women, and as I suppose the phrase itself makes clear, in the special legal sense of the phrase, as having to do with overt behavior rather than psychological predispositions and such." (Renegades of Gor, p.372)

Debts - World

81. If a father cannot pay his debts, his daughter will become a slave of the state. She will then be put up for sale at a public auction. The proceeds of her sale will be used to equitably satisfy her father's creditors.
82. A free woman who cannot pay her own debts will be enslaved. Under the redemption laws, a person can pay the woman's debts and thus claim ownership of her. That owner could free the woman if he so desired, or keep her as a slave. If no one redeems a female debtor within a certain time period, not specified in the books, she will then be sold to Slavers.
87. A free woman may do a form of limited self-contracting where she legally becomes a slave for a specific time period, commonly ranging from one night to one year. She cannot end this contract earlier than the specified time period. Once the contract takes effect, she becomes a slave with no legal powers at all. This curious contractual arrangement is not described in great detail. It raises numerous legal dilemmas that can only be speculated about. The books do not state that the contract covers any contingencies or limits the slavery in any way. The woman becomes an actual slave. That would seem to mean she could be freely killed. What would happen is she was sold? Does the contract prevent that? Would the time period still apply if she was sold? What would happen if she was stolen? This passage seems to raise far more questions than it answers.

Saving Free Woman Life - World

88. "And yet it was not a strange thing, particularly not on Gor, where bravery is highly esteemed and to save a female's life is in effect to win title to it, for it is the option of a Gorean male to enslave any woman whose life he has saved, a right which is seldom denied even by the citizens of the girl's city or her family. Indeed, there have been cases in which a girl's brothers have had her clad as a slave, bound in slave bracelets, and handed over to her rescuer, in order that the honor of the family and her city not be besmirched." (Priest-Kings of Gor, p.161) It is unknown whether this is codified in city law or whether it simply exists as custom.

Property - World

90. The property of a person who is enslaved will be transferred to the nearest male relative or the nearest relative if no male exists, or to the city, or a guardian. Even if the slave is later freed, their property cannot ever be recovered.

Branding - World

93. By recommendation of Merchant Law, there are three standard marking places for brands, on the left thigh, right thigh, and lower left abdomen. Slaves though may be branded on any part of their body.
94. It is illegal to sell a slave, without the owner's permission, that is not your own. The penalty varies according to the gender of the seller. If the seller is a man, the penalty is exile, and if the seller is a woman, the penalty is enslavement.
95. It is illegal to offer an unbranded slave in a public sale.

Selling a Slave - World

96. It is illegal to sell a slave as auburn haired if she is truly not so.
97. It is a felony to forge or falsify pedigree papers on any slave. Such papers might include information on brand type, a number of different measurements, types of training received; a place for sales endorsements for when a girl changes hands and a remark section for miscellaneous information.
98. A certification of a slave girl's heat may be given in certain cities. Her degree of heat will be listed on the sale documents. It is done in few cities though because of the potential for fraud on the part of the buyer. A buyer might use a girl for a month and then seek a refund based on the guarantee of her level of heat.

Disipline of Slave - World

120. A slave may not laugh at a free woman and may be whipped for such an action.

100. Any free person may discipline an insolent or errant slave, even one who is in the least bit displeasing. If the slave is killed or injured, the free person need only pay compensation to the master and only if the master requests such compensation. This does not give you the right to injure or kill someone else's slave. It simply states the penalty for such a violation. "One did not have the right, for example, to kill or maim the slave of another, any more than any other domestic animal which might belong to someone else. In this sense the slave is accorded some protection from free persons who do not own her in virtue of certain general considerations of property law." (Magicians of Gor, p.330)

 101. If a slave strikes a free person, the penalty is commonly death by impalement, preceded by lengthy torture.

99. A slave, on threat of torture and impalement, must endure whatever abuse a free person cares to inflict on her. This is stated to apply within Ar and on Gor in general.
102. It is a capital offense for a slave to wield any weapon. The definition of what constitutes a weapon is unclear. It does appear that slaves may use razors and knifes for certain domestic duties. Though that may be permissible, if the slave attempted to use those items as weapons, then they would be guilty of this offense.
103. It is a capital offense for a slave to claim caste.
104. It is a capital offense for a female slave to wear the garment of a free woman.
105. It is illegal for a slave to wear veils.
106. A male slave may be slain for touching either a free woman or a female slave without permission.
107. If a slave fails to kneel in the presence of a free person, it can be a capital offense, especially if the slave intentionally fails to do so. In that case, the slave may be tortured to death.
108. Slaves may not touch or handle money. This is not applicable in all cities. For example, in Ar, at least one prominent slave, Milo, was given spending money.
109. In any legal proceedings, the testimony of slaves may be taken by torture. This is solely in the discretion of the courts.
110. For a slave to runaway from her owner is a serious offense. For the first offense, the penalty is commonly a severe beating. But she is only allowed that single mistake. The penalty for a second offense is usually hamstringing. That will makes her useless, but it is considered a good object lesson for other slaves.
111. Slaves are not permitted outside a city's gates unless accompanied by a free person.
112. Slaves are not permitted on the city streets after nightfall.
113. Slaves are not allowed in temples. It is felt that they would defile it.
114. It is illegal for slaves to play Kaissa. It is considered an insult to free men, not only for a slave to play but even to touch the pieces. A slave might have their hands cut off or be killed for touching Kaissa pieces without permission.
115. The crime of false yielding is a capital offense. It is considered to be easy to detect, through infallible physiological signs.
116. Female slaves must wear a visible token of their slavery within the city limits. Male slaves are usually exempt from this law because it is thought that it would not be beneficial for male slaves to understand their true numbers. There are worries of slave revolt.
117. Slaves are not allowed to build anything. That right is reserved for free people only. Port Kar though is an exception as it was the only city built by slaves.
118. It is illegal for slaves to touch or handle legal documents.
119. Slaves may not teach free people. By teaching someone, they are placed in your debt and nothing can be owed to a slave.
121. The unauthorized rape of slave girls, without the permission of her master, is officially frowned on, and even illegal in some cities, but it is often ignored. Such actions are not uncommon in peasant villages. Sometimes such actions are even encouraged. Such encouragement may be done to pacify the natural aggressions of male youths, aggressions that might otherwise result in destructive behavior. It may also be a means to encourage manhood as well as to protect free women from their attentions. Slave owners who are truly worried about such unauthorized slave rape should keep their slaves inside or put them in iron belts.
122. Slaves are not permitted to sit in chairs and might be whipped or slain for doing so.
123. Freed slaves require explicit papers of manumission or they may be enslaved again without repercussion. Slaves who have been branded or had theirs ears pierced and later freed should definitely keep their papers handy at all times.

Sun Gate - World

30. Many cities have at least one Sun Gate, a primary gate that is only open from dawn to dusk. Once dusk arrives, the gate is closed and it is very unlikely that it will be opened during the night. Most cities will have a special night gate that allows citizens to enter and leave the city at night.
31. Anyone who enters a city without permission is punishable by impalement. "Pikes on the walls of Gorean cities are often surmounted with the remains of unwelcome guests." (Outlaw of Gor, p.49)
32. All outlaws are forbidden entrance into the city and subject to impalement. Panther girls and talunas are considered outlaws.


Laws of a City - World

1. "There is a saying on Gor that the laws of a city extend no further than its walls." (Outlaw of Gor, p.50) This is one of the most basic principles of Gorean law yet it is more a generality than an absolute. For the most part, once you step outside the walls of a city, their city laws will no longer apply and the city will not protect you. But, there are exceptions to this rule.
  • First, many cities claim do sovereignty over the lands surrounding their city. They may try to enforce their will upon the surrounding terrain. Tarn, tharlarion or infantry patrols often monitor the tenuous borders of a city's claimed territory and either question, detain or kill non-citizens trying to enter their lands. That is only as effective as the strength of the city's military forces.
  • Second, there are certain locations located outside a city over which a city exercises full legal control, such as a banner keep. A banner keep is a Merchant Keep owned by a specific city, and governed by that city's laws.
  • Third, Merchant Law exists, that set of common laws that binds many of the cities of Gor. Merchant Law extends past city walls, protecting commerce.
51. Insulae, tenements, may be constructed no higher in a city than a certain height. That height restriction will vary from city to city.
52. By law, the central waste vat in all insulae must remain covered at all times.

She-Urts Laws - Rorus

She-urts are homeless Free Women who survive by begging, scavenging, and selling sex for a meager amount of coin (any takers should note their smell and the likelihood of catching illnesses due to their poor living conditions.) They sleep wherever they find space, and usually wear a brief tunic instead of Robes of Concealment. No She urt will be collared in Rorus without magistrate approval.

1. Appearance
"I looked at the girls. They were all comely. There likelihood seven of them there, not including the one in whom I was interested. They wore rags of various sorts and colors; they had good legs; they were all bare foot"
Explorers of Gor page 62
She-urts will likely be barefoot and wear rags; because they cannot afford the robes of concealment that Free Women wear, they will likely be showing some skin. A brief tunics such as what slave girls wear are also permitted garb for she-urts. She-urts do not wear veils. Due to their poor living conditions, they will likely have a rather foul odor and may be infected with one illness or another.

2. Playing a she-urt
If you come into the city as a she-urt, keep in mind that you will not spend one day in rags and find yourself in splendid robes of a High Caste Free Woman the next day. She-urts take pride in herself in surviving.
This role requires someone who is flexible and able to withstand playing in the darker side of Gorean society. You will be looked down on, live in the castoffs of society, steal and occasionally be in danger of the collar; however, you are still a Free Woman and still above the beast in the collar.

3. You will not fight, take slaves or wield weapons. You might have a club or something you could pick up to defend yourself if necessary.

4. No special skills: you are simply homeless Free Women surviving on the streets by wits and willingness to do what it takes to survive.

Kur Laws - Rorus

The rules below pertain to Kur raiders only:
  • All Kurs WILL be shot at if the village of Rorus feels threatened.  Any Kur stepping beyond the trade point is considered in the threat zone and can be shot at without warning.
  • Raid Ratio for Kur: 3 to 1, 3 men per 1 Kur.  Which means 3 men MUST be on sim (legal fighters) before a Kur can attack.
  • Kurs MUST be bound in RP chains.  If Kur is accidentally bound in rope, then you can self unbind within 2 minutes of capture (3 lines instead of the normal 5 is allowed)
  • No Duel Wielding is allowed
  • If a Kur is captured, it is up to the captor to decide if the Kur should be killed or not. (30 minutes of RP minimum)

Monday, July 27, 2015

Black Caste Rules - Rorus

- Official Black Caste Rules For The Village of Rorus -

The Caste of Assassins, also known as the Black Caste, is a mysterious one and the books do not explain a great deal about their Codes, conduct or activities. No one outside of the Caste is supposed to know their secret Codes though a few elements of their Codes are revealed in the books. It seems likely that Norman purposefully limited the amount of information he disseminated about the Assassins to maintain an air of mystery about them. Realistically, any such organization would carefully conceal its secrets.


These rules listed below are for the betterment of role play and all parties involved, though they are out of character rules, they must be strictly followed so that the continuity of role play can be undertaken and completed in a reasonable by the book manner.

If you kill, or attempt to kill, someone inside Rorus and do not make a clean escape expect that our Warriors will do their best to capture and or kill you before you get away PERIOD. That is their job. Hired killers are not protected under the same laws as our citizens, but should our Warriors not kill you and you are granted a hearing or trial know full well that the penalty for murdering one of our citizens is death by impalement with your body hung from the walls, unless you are granted reprieve and just have your throat slit or a dagger to the heart.

The laws for Assassins in Rorus are divided into four Chapters:
I.) Being an Assassin
II.) Behavior of Assassins
III.) Behavior of Citizens with Assassins
IV.) Behavior of the Slaves with Assassins
Chapter I.) Being an Assassin:
1. Before hunting on the SIM that holds the City of Rorus, the assassin must meet with the Caste Master 'Pιαgυє Mσσn (􀀀)' he oversees all issues related to the Black Caste in The Village of Rorus. At that meeting a training certificate must be shown, and be signed by Caste Masters who are recognized and have undergone the training themselves. If you cannot produce this certificate, your right to hunt will be denied until it can be shown. This is not an option. Further more anyone hunting for linden is automatically invalid..since that in no way signifies true desire for rp...but invites a plethora of OOC issues
2. Your Second Life Gorean Avatar must be a minimum of 3 months old to be considered eligible for the Caste of Assassins. At this age you can seek out the appropriate training in character to begin the process that is needed to obtain the certificate of validation.
3. When an assassin arrives on the SIM, he must read thoroughly the general SIM rules and city laws if available, adhering to them all before role playing. Know your caste and these rules before you walk off the Boat!!!
4. If anyone is discovered to be masquerading as an Assassin, and is unable to produce the appropriate training certificate, they may well be treated as an Outlaw and will be dealt with accordingly, up to and including public impalement.
5. No female Assassins will be recognized, there were not any in the books.
6. In the event that it is required for more than one Assassin to hunt in our city for the same target, this act must be sanctioned by the Black Caste Court System and signed by a minimum of three recognized Caste Masters to be validated. This document must be presented to the Caste Master of the Village of Rorus prior to the hunt beginning.
7. Based upon the book Mariner's of Gor, and the following quote, key words "in many cases one was not even sure who or who were not members of the Caste of Assassins". That being said, a disguise is allowed up to and including the point of the kill phase. An assassin MUST wear the black livery of his caste and bare the mark of the black dagger on his forehead when he is ready to begin this Kill phase. (Emote the mark don't assume we can see it. Wearing black is not by itself identification enough. Also changing your meter label to something like ~ Dagger worn on Forehead ~ will help stop issues) The Assassin must emote wearing the black dagger on his forehead at least once while in the presence of his mark and before he attempts the Assassination. The standard three lines of RP/emoting is required for any kill to be considered valid.
"If there is a concern here," said a man, "it is to be taken up as a matter between you and the Black Court." I saw that this did not much please Demetrion. The business of the Black Court was not one in which men lightly dabbled. In many cases one was not even sure who was, and who was not, a member of the black caste. I recalled, from the tale of the stranger, that some evidence had suggested that Tyrtaios, who may have had much to do with the attempted desertion, and who had disappeared from the castle of Lord Temmu, might be of the Assassins.
Mariners of Gor Book 30 Pages 510 - 511
8. Slaves CAN travel with their Black Caste Masters if the Assassin chooses to use his slave for spying or distraction purposes. He should of course expect the slave to be impaled if discovered. They must enter the sim separately during the ‘kill phase’ as the Mark of the Dagger allows a lone Assassin entry to hunt unless it’s a sanctioned event.
9. During the initial meeting with the resident Caste Master, the Assassin must show the log of the client meeting so that all is validated to be in order. This information will stay confidential in accordance to caste secrecy.
10. To demonstrate the competence of the Assassins training, three different role play logs must be kept with time and date stamps to be presented to the resident Caste Master, and SIM Moderators if asked for. The logs must show tracking, observation, and investigation of the target to be considered valid. Failure to produce the logs will invalidate the hunt.
11. The contract against a Citizen in this SIM is deemed to be complete when the target is killed OR the Assassin is killed (whichever happens first). When the contract is over, the reason for the kill and the client that hired the Assassin cannot be used against that same Citizen again. The identity of the client is never required for Moderation purposes.
12. The Black Caste are not required to follow the 30 minute Role-play rule before they strike. This includes killing any who try to intervene.
13. The standard three lines of RP/emoting is required for any contract kill to be considered valid, however these should be well written emotes with actual thought. Simple 'one liners' and 'hot key' kills will not be accepted here.
14. Any assassin who successfully kills a Citizen of the Village of Rorus
on a legal contract. can not kill that same person again until after a 30 period has lapsed nor ever kill them again for the same reason or for the same person doing the hiring.
15. Following an assassination attempt, the assassin must successfully reach the TP arrival/exit area and emote their escape or leaving before successfully teleporting out; doing so will be considered as having found safe passage away.  Even if the Assassin is caught before escaping, if all else is valid, the target IS STILL DEAD.
16. If the weapons you wear come with sheaths or quivers, then they must be worn at all times. Any hidden items should be emoted as being on your person upon arrival.
17. It is asked that you organize your role play for the mark. The RP required to be able to assassinate someone in Rorus will take at least 3 days, preferably longer:
a.) RP of hiring (no OOC reasons for hiring an Assassin will be accepted)               
b.) Arrival RP in Village of Rorus         
c.) Spend Time Role Playing in the Sim. Show that you're interacting.               
d.) Show that you have validly identified your mark.         
e.) Study your Mark and interact within chat range of them.          
f.) Kill your mark (Include Combat Logs, must be wearing full black, no disguises) You will be required to write at least one descriptive, three line emote describing the act of killing prior to making the attack.                
g.) You are to have Time Stamps labeling your time RPing here and to have the days you spent here labeled accordingly to show what date you did what RP. 3 days Minimum.

*** NOTE: Assassins can and do kill Free Women, Physicians and slaves. An assassin who claims otherwise is either lying or not a true Killer. ***
Chapter II.) Behavior of Assassins:
1. Behavior of Assassins while in the City of Rorus, During all role-playing within the Village of Rorus, a member of the Black Caste will conform to the following behaviors:
a.) He will have the physical skills equivalent to a Warrior (must be able to handle at least one weapon, be able to run/jump to flee, etc. Does *not* mean he's expected to win combats in an arena).
b.) During the actual Kill an Assassin is expected to follow the principles of his Caste. We will not tolerate actions of disrespect to the fallen target. No mutilating the body or shouting your victory or parading the corpse as a trophy. Get in, do your work, be gone. As a Killer should do.  Role-playing a cover identity that is loud and boisterous during the Seeking phase is NOT considered counter to this behavior.
c.) Assassins are not affable fellows. Their final test often leaves them solitary and distant. Though they may act friendly to gain trust or information. But we will not recognize an Assassin bringing in friends to help in his hunt. Or using friendships in the city beyond information gathering.
d.) He will show no mercy, but also he will not indulge is excessive emotion. A Killer does not allow blood lust to lead his dagger. Torturing, mutilating, humiliating etc etc. This is not the job of the Killer. Again, role-playing a cover identity who shows these emotions during their Seeking phase is NOT considered counter to this behavior.
e.) Assassins are not required to hide their calling or their Caste. But it also will not be flaunted. A Killer was dangerous. And those that saw their black tunics and the helmet of their Caste knew to stay cautiously away. But it was not a Killer's place to threaten every person who annoyed him. And his Caste did not grant killings beyond that of necessity and coin. All laws of Gor and of the City of Rorus will be obeyed, up to the moment of assassination, and as much as possible during the resultant flight.
f.) Disinformation is acceptable. the Village of Rorus regarding an assassin's (inflated) prowess and skills may be spread.  It is permitted to point blame and suspicion on others. Half of stealth is, after all, getting your target to look the other way.
g.) Assassins are supposed to carry out their mission in a stealthy, nondescript manner. Behavior contrary to that: widespread slaughter or destruction of property, for instance, is not consistent with that pattern, and anyone indulging in that behavior will be treated as a griefer, not an assassin.
Chapter III.) Behavior of Citizens with Assassins:
1. Behavior of the City of Rorus Citizens and guests towards Assassins:
a.) Warriors may not interfere with a black wearing the mark but this does not mean they have to stand back and do nothing while you kill someone in front of them. It is the place of the Scarlets present to determine if they are going to interrupt the contract or simply honor it.
b.) Warriors are permitted to follow assassins, track their movements, or to form defensive rings around their commanders and city leaders when an Assassin is present in the city if they choose to do so.
c.) Innkeepers and shopkeepers will tolerate their presence and do business with them but only reluctantly.
d.) Typically regular citizens (especially Free Women) do not approach, challenge, question, flirt with, sit with or otherwise interact with Assassins as a rule. But that is the world, and not everyone can be dictated in such a manner. However, Any person seen sitting with an Assassin or conversing with them can be labeled as a potential informant. This, again, is on the Scarlets to decide the best course of action.
e.) Citizens and Guests of the Village of Rorus seen wearing the black of a Killer (Helm, Cloak and/ or Tunic) or impersonating a Killer and not of the Caste will be dealt with by the Assassins as they see fit.
Chapter IV.) Behavior of the Slaves with Assassins:
1. Behavior of the Village of Rorus Slaves towards Assassins, Serving one of the black caste is a heart pounding, sweaty-palmed experience for a slave, mainly because one never knows how they will react. They observe every detail and movement, are suspicious, they will not tolerate any show of disrespect from anyone, let alone a simple slave. There are certain actions a slave might execute for their Master or Mistress that would cause the assassin to slit their throat. So with that said, here are some of the things you should keep in mind when serving an assassin:
a.) Slaves should always ask permission to approach to offer service to a undisguised black caste. They get very suspicious of sudden movements towards them and usually react through reflex.
b.) Slaves should ask the black caste if he has his own private drinking vessel with Him (most carry their own). If the requested drink is contained in a bota or bottle, ask Him if he wants you to bring a “sealed” bota/ bottle to Him so He can watch you break the seal.
c.) If you take the vessel with you, always handle the vessel by the bottom, hold it upside down if you carry it, holding it away from your body. Never let it out of His site.
d.) If the drinking vessel is his own, do not wipe the drinking vessel as it may be an insult. However if it is not his own it would be wise to ask him if he would prefer the vessel to be wiped out first.
e.) Never let the vessel touch any part of your body other then your hands. This would include to not kiss the vessel.
f.) You should never ask if the assassin wants the drink or food tested, it is an insult to them. and may cause suspicion that you intend to poison them.
Black Caste Rules of the Village of Rorus
Signed by Pιαgυє Mσσn (􀀁)
Master Assassin of the City of Rorus
