Thursday, July 30, 2015

Kanda - Rorus

1.8) It is illegal to sell, use, or have in your possession any and all forms of Kanda, be it leaves, Root, extract .. etc.

·         Penalty if found guilty of using - First offense: a fine of coin up to 1/4 of total assets. Second offense: a fine of coin of up to 1/2 total assets and a brand behind the ear. Third offense: a fine of coin up to 1/2 total assets and prison time, decided by the courts upon trial

·         Penalty if found selling or in possession of - First offense: a fine of 1/4 total assets and time in a cell up to 2 days. Second offense: a fine of 1/2 total assets and time in a cell , up to 5 days and public bastinado. Third offense: any punishment the court sees fit , up to and including death.

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