Thursday, July 30, 2015

Beasts or Animals - Rorus

9.1) All large beasts must be contained to a leash, entrusted by their owner, or the person left in charge their care

·         Penalty if found guilty of crime - First offense: The owner of the beast shall be held at the discretion of the magistrate and the beast be killed. Additional offenses: Public whipping up to ten lashes.

9.2) If the beast maims or injures a free person, The owner of the beast shall be liable in civil court, if the injured chooses to proceed with legal action.

9.3) A beasts destruction of public property shall result in a fine totaling the restoration costs of the damages items, as well as public whipping up to ten lashes.

9.4) Any beast not on a collar and with there owner or person of care shall be slaughtered on sight, the village shall pay no compensation for damages to the owner in such cases.

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