19. Each city determines which Castes and subcastes will be legally recognized. They will also determine which Caste will be recognized as High Castes. For example, there may be cities where the Merchants Caste, normally a Low Caste, is legally recognized as a High Caste.
20. There is a crime of "attempting to deceive with respect to caste." This encompasses such actions as engaging in business under false pretenses and claiming explicitly to be of a caste other than your own. Such deceptions most often occur when people pretend to be Physicians. This crime does not apply to all actions that are part of a Caste's primary focus. For example, anyone, and not just a member of the Slaver's Caste, can legally sell a slave. But, that same person cannot claim to be a member of the Slaver's Caste if he is not.21. It is legally permissible to change one's Caste though most Goreans would not willingly change their Caste, being proud of their Caste no matter how low it might be. In a Free Companionship, the woman can take the Caste of the man though the man cannot do the same. Otherwise to change caste, the High Council of the city must approve the change, based on your qualifications for the new caste and the willingness of the new caste to accept you.
53. Any person apprehended wearing or possessing a tunic that is lined with a different color, which could be turned inside out to alter one's identity, is subject to possible impalement.
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