Thursday, July 30, 2015

Slaves - Rorus

8.1) Slaves are considered property, no different than a domestic animal. Hence, they may be purchased, sold, punished or killed by their Owner.

8.2) Slaves shall be the sole responsibility of the holder of their slave papers.

8.3) Any slave that commits a crime that results in damages against the village shall be punished and repayment for damages shall be sought against the owner of the property.

8.4) Any citizen who has property damaged by another slave may seek damages in court.

8.5) Disobedient slaves can be punished by any Citizen of Rorus. However, causing permanent damage or death shall make the owner legally entitled to a trial to determine compensation.

8.6) Any slave abandoned without notice for a period of fourteen days or more shall be considered abandoned in the eyes of the law. A new owner may seek a magistrate to have an affidavit in lieu of bill of sale drawn up to claim ownership in unclaimed property. Slaves that go unclaimed after bringing to the attention of the courts that they are abandoned and without a free person to lay claim shall be remanded to the kennels.

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