56. Thievery is illegal and harshly punished. In most cities, a first offense is punished by an ear notching. Penalties for subsequent offenses will vary by city and gender. In most cities, a free women found guilty of a second offense is enslaved. If a free man is found guilty of a second offense, he often will lose one of his hands. For a third offense, a man might lose his other hand, or in some jurisdictions, his other hand and both feet.
57. There is a Caste of Thieves in Port Kar, the only one of its type on Gor. Thievery is still illegal in Port Kar, though the penalties are different. It is legal to slay a male thief, or enslave a female thief, if the thief is caught within one Ahn of the theft. Once an Ahn has passed though, then the thief must be handed over to the Arsenal police for a hearing or trial. If then found guilty, a male thief will be sentenced to hard labor in the Arsenal or on the wharves for a period ranging from one week to one year. A female thief would be sentenced to serve in a penal brothel for a period ranging from one week to one year.61. It is illegal to smuggle the beans used to make black wine out of the territory of Thentis. These beans are only grown within the territory of Thentis.
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