Thursday, July 30, 2015

Housing - Rorus

Fill this out and Return to Nikki Thalassa ( Nickel Snook)

RP Name:
SL Name:
Job within Caste:
Other Tenants Name:
Job within Caste:
Slaves Names:
Anyone who will be setting Prims down for you:

Houses wanted: ( Choose from Large House - 200 Prims L$ 600/week. Smaller houses 100 Prims L$ 300) 
House Rented : Number and Path Name (see sign)

Beasts or Animals - Rorus

9.1) All large beasts must be contained to a leash, entrusted by their owner, or the person left in charge their care

·         Penalty if found guilty of crime - First offense: The owner of the beast shall be held at the discretion of the magistrate and the beast be killed. Additional offenses: Public whipping up to ten lashes.

9.2) If the beast maims or injures a free person, The owner of the beast shall be liable in civil court, if the injured chooses to proceed with legal action.

9.3) A beasts destruction of public property shall result in a fine totaling the restoration costs of the damages items, as well as public whipping up to ten lashes.

9.4) Any beast not on a collar and with there owner or person of care shall be slaughtered on sight, the village shall pay no compensation for damages to the owner in such cases.

Slaves - Rorus

8.1) Slaves are considered property, no different than a domestic animal. Hence, they may be purchased, sold, punished or killed by their Owner.

8.2) Slaves shall be the sole responsibility of the holder of their slave papers.

8.3) Any slave that commits a crime that results in damages against the village shall be punished and repayment for damages shall be sought against the owner of the property.

8.4) Any citizen who has property damaged by another slave may seek damages in court.

8.5) Disobedient slaves can be punished by any Citizen of Rorus. However, causing permanent damage or death shall make the owner legally entitled to a trial to determine compensation.

8.6) Any slave abandoned without notice for a period of fourteen days or more shall be considered abandoned in the eyes of the law. A new owner may seek a magistrate to have an affidavit in lieu of bill of sale drawn up to claim ownership in unclaimed property. Slaves that go unclaimed after bringing to the attention of the courts that they are abandoned and without a free person to lay claim shall be remanded to the kennels.

Assassin - Rorus

7.1) Citizens of the village are hereby advised that informing to a known assassin, one wearing the black of an assassin, that leads to the death of a citizen shall be considered an informant and be liable for aiding in the murder of a citizen of Rorus. Trial shall be set and conducted.

·         Penalty if found guilty of crime - The maximum punishment shall be enslavement.

She-urts - Rorus

6.1) She-urts entering the village are still required to comply with all laws of the village of Rorus while contained within the walls of the village.

6.2) She-urts are hereby reminded of the decency law of the village or Rorus, if found to be wearing less than a kajira she will be brought to trial.

·         Penalty if found guilty of crime - First offense: Reminder of the decency laws of the village of Rorus. Second offense: Will be bound and brought to the city kennels for enslavement.

6.3) She-urts begging that interferes with the business of the free tax payers of the village shall be able to be told to move along failure to comply will result in trial.

·         Penalty if found guilty of crime - First offense: Told to move along by the scarlet caste or a magistrate, after the store owner has informed you of your disturbance. Continued disturbances shall be considered a disturbance of the peace. And shall be dealt with as such.

Free Companionship - Rorus

5.2) Free companionship shall require a three week courting prior to being able to apply for a companionship contract.

·         A fee of fifty coppers is required to obtain a free companionship contract.

Free companionships may be petitioned by the court to be dissolved.

·         Penalty if found guilty of crime - Punishment for such shall include the male having to wear a dress for a hand, and the woman being reduced to slavery for the remainder of the contract.

Contracts - Rorus

5.1) All contracts must be filled completely then signed and require a personal seal before being reviewed and sealed by a scribe to be considered binding.
Any contract that is improperly handled and not filled out completely shall be brought before a magistrate.

·         Penalty if found guilty of crime - Shall be at the discretion of the magistrate.