Monday, July 27, 2015

Welcome to Rorus - Rorus

                              WELCOME TO RORUS

We hope that this packet will help simplify your transition into the Village of Rorus and that you will soon feel at home here! Please be sure to fill out the Caste Registration and send it to the HoC of your chosen Caste as soon as possible. . Also any additional forms in this packet you fill out will need to be turned into Jillian Daniels. Please remember, these need to be filled out and turned in BEFORE YOUR APPLICATION IS APPROVED BY COUNCIL. 

All items should be placed in Jillian Daniels' mailbox that is located in the Library, or given to her ICly as her messages get capped.

Additional forms that you may need: 

3. Registration of Seal For * Seal Registration if you use one for signing off on Scrolls.

4. Rorus Record of Protector (FW's NAME) *All Free Woman ARE to have a Male Protector whether it be their Family or Another Free Man of the Village.

5. Certificate of Ownership for* Any slave in your house requires this form, Complete with an Exam and Bill of Sale/Proof of Collaring (RP of it is fine)

All of your slaves must fill out the Private Slave application and send to Jillian Daniels as well.

If you wish an apartment or house, please fill out the housing questionnaire and contact Nickel Snook.

We have also included Village of Rorus Sim Rules and information about your Home Stone Swearing. Please read them over carefully, and be familiar with your new city. A Physical will need to be performed on all applicants and their family by the Physicians of Rorus prior to swearing to the Home Stone so please make the time to contact a member of our Green Caste as soon as possible.

As a new citizen, it isn't always easy to figure out who to talk to regarding Caste work. To help make your transition into Rorus easier, below is a list of the various Castes and contacts for each along with hours of availability and best ways to contact if they aren't online. Please get with them as soon as possible. Let them know you have filled out an Application and please pass them the Caste Registration form once you fill it out.

Just remember, your first option to contact who you need to is through role play.

We wish you the best of luck in your chosen Caste and in your new home. All forms should be returned to Jillian Daniels, Senior Scribe of Rorus. All forms should be placed in the "Welcome Packet Forms" Mailbox in the Library (to your left as you walk in) If you have any questions, please contact her.

For more information about Rorus please be sure to visit our website at: 

- Head Of Caste : Lady Nikki Thalassa (Nickel Snook)
- Chief Scribe : Jillian Daniels
- High Magistrate : 

Hours of availability : Nikki is about most any time of day or night. If you need to contact any of them sooner, drop a notecard.

- Head of Caste : Fate Himura
- Chief Physician :

Hours of availability :

- Head of Caste : Rider Wiskee
Hours of availability :Daily

- Commander :  
- Captain: 

Hours of availability : Just send him in IM or NC to get a hold of him.

Head Slaver : Cheryl Thalassa (Cheryl Duvall)
Asst. Slaver:
Hours of availability:
Head Merchant :
Assistant Merchant : 

Hours of Availability :

If you have any questions, please contact Jillian Daniels, Chief Scribe, or Nikki Thalassa (Nickel Snook) HoC Blue Caste of Rorus.

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