RORUS requires you to read the following information:
We adhere to the 20/20 Tarn rule:
20 hits to take down
20 speed.
Health Metered/NO REGEN ONLY
All other tarns will no longer be allowed.
1. If your tarn is shot down you are not permitted to rez another ~ your tarn is done. If it is questioned, you will be asked to show proof. RP it, notecard it. Cover your butt.
i) If tarn is shot down, and you remain on it until it fully lands, you are NOT an auto cap (tarn broke your fall). You can then stand and fight like normal. If you happen to stand and fall off your tarn as it is falling, however, you will be auto capped.
2. Due to the severe lag tarns cause, only 1 tarn per side are allowed during battle ~ no replacing them once they are dead.
3. There is 1 way for attackers to bring a tarn into Rorus:
a. Once landed on sim, you can "rez" your tarn anywhere you want (within reason). Once you rez the tarn, regardless of who it is, it must remain out. If you pick it up then someone else can not rez another one. (there are exceptions to the rule, however you must ASK permission before rezzing another tarn. IE: Glitch causing tarn to not move, can't sit on tarn correctly, etc)
4.) Landing in the city IS allowed, however once landed you must keep the tarn out if you expect to take off with it again. If you are one to land, grab someone, and take off, you MUST RP 3 lines of 10 words minimum before taking off again. This will prevent the *grabs girl and takes off* RP that most are accustomed to.
5) Only 2 riders can be on a tarn. Driver and passenger/captive. If you get bubbled while on a tarn, then fall off. Anyone caught in a bubble while on a tarn will be banned.
-This is a mirror rule. If your sim does NOT allow for ferry, then you can not do it here. If you only allow 1 person on a tarn at your sim, then you are only allowed 1 on a tarn here. If your sim DOES NOT ALLOW LANDING inside the city, then same applies.
i) If you are a passenger on the tarn, you must ensure the driver LANDS the tarn before getting off. If you are caught falling from a tarn that seems at an unreasonable distance, you will be auto capped.
6) No Tarn Avatars
Over the years of study I have gathered many notes for which I claim nothing more than they have become part of my collection. If you are reading from my journal - I recommend the accuracy of what you read be checked against the scrolls that John Norman composed telling of life on our world of Gor. Should you be so inclined and come in peace, look me up in Rorus and we can discuss your thoughts over some black wine.
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