All characters must be by the book and realistic in appearance, also in behavior. This includes shapes, skins, and attire. All animals: sleen, larl, giani, jit..must gain Admin/Mod/ Council approval to roleplay inside the village itself. Failure to do so, will result in a ban from the sim for 24 hours, further non-compliance will result in a perma ban.
Animals that gain approval, must never be OOC, or be able to speak..they are animals, and must emote as such, with appropriate emotes for their species.All animals must have a current GM beast meter.
Larls and sleen that have approval to rp in the city, must be accompanied by their trainers or one that has authority to command the beast, and kept on a leash. These animals must be kept from major role play zones, such as the bakery, tavern, infirmary.
Beasts may be killed without a 30 minute role play. Beasts can be captured and bound by any warrior, if the animal is large, two men must drag the beast by leash.
Slaves CAN NOT open the gate to wandering beasts. As one can never tell which beast is what realistically, and who belongs to whom.
Over the years of study I have gathered many notes for which I claim nothing more than they have become part of my collection. If you are reading from my journal - I recommend the accuracy of what you read be checked against the scrolls that John Norman composed telling of life on our world of Gor. Should you be so inclined and come in peace, look me up in Rorus and we can discuss your thoughts over some black wine.
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