1) All free men of the city must be registered with a Caste of the city. They will uphold their caste codes and offer what help they can to those of their caste who apply for caste assistance.
2) In times of war, all free men of Rorus are expected to defend their city and Homestone. If needed, all men of the city, regardless of caste, will take up arms to defend their home.
3) The only exception of the above law regards the men of the Physician's caste who may contribute to the war effort by healing those in need, but may not take up arms as combatants. Doing so will result in expulsion from the caste of Physicians. Male Physicians will instead lead the women to safety.
4) Face-stripping of a Free Woman is illegal. A woman cannot be face-stripped for offenses without a trial first. All women who act in a slave-like manner will be arrested.
5) If you end up leaving Rorus on bad terms, going to a city we are at war with, then you are liable to get captured and killed as a traitor.
6) Oath of disownment can be administered by a Free Person to disown any relative. However, once done, it cannot be reversed.
7) Crests, signs and family emblems can be registered and their future use will be legally protected and restricted.
8) If the head of a household cannot pay his debts, his daughter or companion can be subjected to slavery. If such action is required, this mans household shall endure the public shame from such a required action.
9) Any free man who rapes, strikes, or assaults any free woman with out due cause will be arrested and jailed till a trial can be held and punishment carried out. Being a Male does not give you the right to be an ass and act with lewd behavior. Goreans we read about were courteous even to those they were about to kill. While Goreans were strict and even harsh with slaves, they were seldom rude to them. They did not thank them, but they did notice every move they made on many occasions and were appreciative to have the service.
Over the years of study I have gathered many notes for which I claim nothing more than they have become part of my collection. If you are reading from my journal - I recommend the accuracy of what you read be checked against the scrolls that John Norman composed telling of life on our world of Gor. Should you be so inclined and come in peace, look me up in Rorus and we can discuss your thoughts over some black wine.
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